Data Collection - 3 options
Run our (free) proprietary scripts on your client’s technical estate.
They can be run manually, with our data collection tool or by using Oracle Enterprise Manager.
If you are being audited by Oracle, you will be provided with Oracle’s audit scripts.
No need to run our scripts as well: We can analyse Oracle’s audit script results as if they were our own.
Use raw output from vendor tools certified by Oracle LMS such as Flexera or Snow.
Contact us to convert the raw output data to a readable format.

After uploading the data in our Analysis Tool, you can download the processed data in a smart Excel workbook. It contains all necessary summary, management and financial information, as well as up to 40 explanatory sheets for the tech savvy enthusiasts.
Sample Report(.xlsx)

Depending on the outcome of the report, your client may want to optimize and remediate.
The report is a very easy to maintain workbook, allowing users to simulate new scenario’s to understand the consequences of changes in the infrastructures and license assignments.

Therefor we advise you to repeat the Internal Audit once or twice per year. If you used our Data Collection Tool, you will be amazed how little you have to do to collect the audit data: It practically collects itself.
Please see instructions and documentation here.
LicenseAudit.com can also analyze output generated by Oracle’s audit scripts (version 16.2 and upwards), including Oracle’s masked script version.
Upload your data here for analysis. You will receive an email once your report is ready for download.
The time to analyse your data depends on the size of the environment.
A small environment can be analysed within the hour, larger environments may take 2-3 hours.
The FREE report is free.
The costs for the PREMIUM report is determined by the number of analysed database instances.
Each analysed database instance will cost you one Instance Credit.
The cost for a PREMIUM report is determined by the number of database instances.
For each analysed database instance you need one Instance Credit.
You can pay using your credit card. We accept Euro, USD and GBP.
Instance Credits will expire 12 months after the purchase date.
The FREE report will show whether the utilisation of Oracle Database Options and Management Packs is limited to the licenses you have.
The PREMIUM report is an easy to understand ELP, formatted in a smart, and easy to maintain, Excel workbook. All necessary summary, financial and management information is in there, as well as up to 40 explanatory sheets for the tech savvy enthusiasts who want to deep-dive.
Most and foremost, this workbook is very easy to maintain. And you can work the report in order to visualize the consequences of a specific scenario or change in license assignment and infrastructure.
For every single finding we explain the source and meaning, allowing your technical team to optimize the estate. For expert help from others than ourselves you can soon expect a list of partners you can turn to, capable of providing you with assistance and guidance around cost-savings, hands-on DBA work, infrastructure design, compliance and other affiliated skills.
Audit output data required to analyze compliance on Oracle databases contains security and privacy sensitive data. License Audit offers an optional tool to encrypt the generated output at no additional cost. It is highly recommended to use it to comply with your internal security standards. Encryption is done on your local PC using a password of minimum 32 characters, as well as a salt of minimum 16 characters. Upon encryption, a reference table is generated allowing easy de-cryption. Decryption online is an option using your password and salt, which only works for your browser session. License Audit securely deletes uploaded data after data processing.
Security officers from several financial institutions and government organizations reviewed the security levels to find them safe for frequent use. View the documentation to learn more.
We offer export of relevant data in Excel, at a host- and database level.
Oracle’s Certified Tool program is no longer up to date. Most vendors are dealing with outdated scripts. For Certified Tooling vendors, the analysis algorithm is created by Oracle and is aimed at generating license revenue rather than information or optimization. To test drive the difference, just compare the outcome from an Oracle Certified Tool with LicenseAudit.
We have already been working with Oracle Certified Tools who recognize that our engine is second to none and provide much more useful and valuable than the scripts and algorithms provided by Oracle. In fact, many clients use Flexera company wide. We encourage clients to use discovery tools such as Flexera, but can always demonstrate it is better to rely on License Audit for data analysis.
Our management and staff continues to manually analyze sets of audit data, ensuring frequent updates to License Audit. Also, the user population provide valuable feedback and tips. Accordingly improvements and updates are implemented frequently to maintain our quality standards, but also to improve the functionality and usability of License Audit.
LicenseAudit is second to none. In the unlikely event a client demonstrates an imperfection in the analysis result, a credit will be issued for the entire analysis. LicenseAudit will then be updated to maintain it’s track record.
We look forward to handing out the first credit.
Yes. LicenseAudit is not only compatible with the scripts available here, but also with Oracle’s official audit scripts. Licenseaudit.com detects what exactly you are uploading and interpret accordingly.
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